Bont Rowing shoe compatibility with a Concept 2 Erg?


Whilst our shoes can be used on a Concept 2 erg, it is important to understand the fitment options and implications of each.

If you are the only person using the machine, you can choose to bolt your shoes directly onto the footplate of your rowing machine. Be aware this will limit the use of the machine by others (unless they happen to wear the same size shoes as you).

A more versatile alternative is to bolt our Drive QRS system into the footplates of your rowing machine. This will allow you to remove your shoes either for use in a boat fitted with Drive QRS, or to allow others with a compatible pair of Bont Rowing shoes to use the machine.

You can purchase the Drive QRS system at a substantial discount when you order a pair of Bont Rowing shoes at the same time. The discount will extend to multiple systems if you are looking to fit out a machine and boat at the same time.

Alternatively, some companies such as Bat-logic sell erg plate adapters that can be taken off of the machine leaving the footplate intact; allowing multiple rowers to use the same machine regardless of their shoes.

If you have further inquiries about any of the information here, please don't hesitate to contact us at